MySQL 表锁

MySQL 表锁

MySQL 中提供了锁定表 lock tables 和解锁表 unlock tables 的法语,用来对指定对表进行锁定和解锁限制。

命令 含义 常用
select connection_id() 显示会话 id select connection_id() 显示当前会话 id
show open tables 显示所有表占用锁的信息(包含全部表) show open tables 显示所有表占用锁的信息(包含全部表)
show open tables where in_user >= 1 显示所有表占用锁的信息(只包含已加锁的表) 显示所有表占用锁的信息(只包含已加锁的表)
lock table tableName1, tableName2… read 对指定表添加读锁(共享锁) lock table user read 对 user 表添加读锁
lock table user, score read 对 user 与 score 表添加读锁
lock table tableName1, tableName2 对指定表添加写锁 lock table user write 对 user 表添加写锁
lock table user, score write 对 user 与 score 表添加写锁
unlock tables 对指定表进行解锁 unlock tables user 释放 user 表的锁

  • lock table read 锁表会将当前会话指定表进行锁定。限制当前会话只能查询该表,如果查询其他表则报错。如果对该表进行写操作也会报错。
-- 查看当前会话 id
select connection_id();
| connection_id() |
|              64 |

-- 使用读锁锁定 student 表
lock table student read;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

-- 查看被锁住对表信息,如下表示 student 表被一个会话锁定(in_use = 1)
show open tables where in_use >= 1;
| Database | Table   | In_use | Name_locked |
| backup   | student |      1 |           0 |

-- 查询带锁对表没问题
select * from student;
| std_id | std_name |
|   1001 | zhangsan |
|   1002 | lisi     |
|   1003 | wangwu   |

-- 查询未锁定对表则报错
select * from teacher;
ERROR 1100 (HY000): Table 'teacher' was not locked with LOCK TABLES

-- 对锁定的表进行插入操作
insert into student (std_id, std_name) values (1004, 'liuliu');
ERROR 1100 (HY000): Table 'studentstudent' was not locked with LOCK TABLES

-- 对未锁定对表进行插入操作
insert into teacher (teacher_id, teacher_name) values (1004, 'liuliu');
ERROR 1100 (HY000): Table 'teacher' was not locked with LOCK TABLES

-- 再次执行锁表,之前的锁表将自动解锁
lock table teacher read;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

-- 查看被锁住对表信息,如下表示 student 表被一个会话锁定(in_use = 1)
show open tables where in_use >= 1;
| Database | Table   | In_use | Name_locked |
| backup   | teacher |      1 |           0 |

-- 客户端断开链接后,所有表锁将自动解锁, 重新链接后不再持有锁
exit -- 断开链接
mysql -uroot -p -- 再次链接

show open tables where in_use >= 1;
Empty set (0.00 sec)



LOCK TABLES acquires locks as follows:
Sort all tables to be locked in an internally defined order. From the user standpoint, this order is undefined.
If a table is to be locked with a read and a write lock, put the write lock request before the read lock request.
Lock one table at a time until the session gets all locks.
This policy ensures that table locking is deadlock free.
LOCK TABLES acquires locks as follows:
Sort all tables to be locked in an internally defined order. From the user standpoint, this order is undefined.
If a table is to be locked with a read and a write lock, put the write lock request before the read lock request.
Lock one table at a time until the session gets all locks.
This policy ensures that table locking is deadlock free.


  • 当会话持有的表锁被释放时,它们都同时被释放会话可以显式地释放锁,也可以在某些条件下隐式地释放锁
  • 可以使用 unlock tables 命令显示对释放锁
  • 如果一个会话在已经持有锁的情况下发出一个 LOCK TABLES 命令再次获取锁,那么在授予新锁之前,MySQL 会将已经存在的锁隐式地解除
  • 如果一个会话开始了一个事务(例如:start transaction),就会执行一个隐式的 UNLOCK TABLES,从而释放现有的锁。
  • 如果客户端会话的连接终止,无论是否正常,服务器都会隐式释放会话持有的所有表锁 (事务性和非事务性)。


lock table 命令可能会锁定比我们指定表更多对表。这是因为,如果表中有 trigger,那么 MySQL 为了让功能正常运行,
那么会将 trigger 中涉及对表一同 lock

note: 以上测试都是基于 InnoDB 引擎


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